Shotgun News 12/29/2020

From Larry Dark: Howdy

I certainly hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Here we are , getting ready to start a new year. Hopefully things with this abominable virus will start to slow down soon. It has changed many things for us this past year. We have temporarily suspended our trophy shoots because of using the clubhouse and the difficulty to keep our distance.

I have added several new names to the email list in recent weeks and they will continue in the new year as new members join. I want to say welcome to Cherokee!! Things have defiantly changed in the past months , but Cherokee is open and ready for members to take advantage of outdoor activities .  I speak mainly for shotgun (although i hear a lot of shooting on the rifle range) but there are countless opportunities to crush clay targets and improve your abilities with a shotgun. Our key master , Joe Trujillo, has set February 7th from 12:30 to 4:30 as key day. For new members that may not know….at Cherokee you can obtain your own keys to all of our trap and skeet machines. That means you can shoot anytime during normal shooting hours. This is a super benefit that Cherokee offers it members. All that is required is to be instructed on the operation of the equipment (this can be done by any member that has keys) then you agree to keep the range open for 8hrs for members that dont wish keys. This is done on one all day Saturday or two half day Sundays, 5.00 key deposit and your good to go.

Friday 1/1 Arts old Codgers will NOT BE SHOOTING FRIDAY MORNING. Art has his finger on the pulse of the weatherman….he says its gonna rain so hes planning to shoot on Saturday morning instead. (maybe he thinks hes going to party to hard on new years eve lol) 


Arts going to open up Saturday for anyone with cabin fever to come out and shoot. 

Wishing everyone a happy New Year

stay safe ld